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Picarto Stream

Discord Stream

Hey guys, thank you so much for another month of support, I'm sorry I haven't posted much lately, I've been juggling a couple things.

I have a big change coming up: I'll be moving out of my current apartment and into a new place at the end of this month, so preparing for that has been eating up a lot of my time recently.

The good news – I'll have a lot more time to draw starting in October when I'm settled in the new spot, and I'm expecting to get back to daily drawing & streaming with regular posts like I used to.

The bad news – this month will be lighter on content than usual, but...

I've still got 3 days left before I move out, and I'm preparing a few more tasty morsels for you to munch on.

I'm gonna be streaming on Picarto and Discord as much as I can this weekend and Monday if you want to check out what I'm up to •ᴗ•

Picarto Stream

Discord Stream

a couple back pose warmups:



davyd chapman-comb

What a back and side boob shot amazing work Rook, cant wait to catch your stream