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Esteemed lords of the Phallic Order, it is with grave urgency I must request the Council's immediate attention.

The captured orc you sent us is performing her tasks handily, breaking rocks in our mine and filling our coffers with precious ores and gems... but I grow more concerned by the day with the orc's burgeoning strength.

She carries noticeably more muscle than a mere fortnight ago, no doubt owing her increasing power to the demanding physical tasks we have put her to. She carries out our orders with alarming zeal, but I fear there is little we could do to enforce obedience, should she become... less cooperative.

We have shackled the orc with an ankle chain, but she has broken free of this iron restraint several times. She makes no attempt at escaping the mine, only using her freedom from the chain to work more efficiently and feverishly at breaking rocks deeper in the mine. She has quite a hunger for strenuous tasks, it would seem.

The blacksmith has provided us another shackle, fitted to the appropriate girth to restrain the orc by her nether appendage. We hope this more sensitive area will deter her from breaking free, but I fear she will soon outgrow this shackle as well.

My lords, I would never question the wisdom of the Council, but I must urge you to consider the possible consequences of this course of action. Eventually the greenskin will grow strong enough to overpower us.

I believe this orc is already capable of escape at any moment. She bides her time awaiting an opportune moment to slaughter us all... or worse.

My lords, what is your judgement on this matter?

    Your loyal taskmaster,

          Foreman Druthers



davyd chapman-comb

Awesome love it choose your own adventure. Maybe the Princess once she see's the mighty hung Orc to show just how strong she has become.


Damn, she's a strong girl


Some tasty options! I know which ones i'm picking :)