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I'm gonna return to daily sketches, challenging myself to try a new pose that I've never attempted before every day.

I didn't post much last month, even though I was making art 15/31 days, I spread myself so thin over multiple large projects, and got caught up in perfectionism of not wanting to share anything until I was 100% happy with it, which got me all jammed up.

So this month I'll start every day with a new sketch and get it posted before I dive into any other big projects. Thanks for sticking with me through a rough January guys, I'm back in action now!

Btw this full nelson pose is showing Felicia getting filled, but who is the mystery futa pumping her full? At first I thought Kim, but maybe more appropriate for Jenna to give her a taste of her own cocktail ^-^




Holy hell that's aggressive, love it!

Jason Chan

Jenna looking huge here! Taking revenge for Kim?