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This next sketch I liked enough to give the full color treatment!

My days playing World of Warcraft are behind me, but I hear Jaina Proudmoore is a raid boss now in the latest expansion patch.

I thought she needed some buffing up to go toe-to-toe with a raid full of 40 armored players while wearing nothing but her cloth robes. Now with this beefier body she looks more ready for a 40-vs-1

a little background splash:

WIP shapshot from the shading stage:

Jaina is a frost mage with seafaring themes, so the background incorporates some of her signature elements: Frost nova at her feet, splash of sea waves behind, and the violet sky of the Kirin Tor mages of Dalaran.

Should I do more buffed up female/futa raid bosses from WoW? Is it worth making a futa version of this? Considering but undecided.
