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So about this futa bodybuilding contest thing... I'm excited about it but have sooo many ideas.

We're voting on three different topics here to save some space, I don't want to spam the feed with a solid wall of vote posts so this combines all the bodybuilding contest topics in one.

Question 1: What do you want me to focus on, in a futa bodybuilding comic?

Official measurements and challenges on stage?

Or backstage pump room workouts and hookups between the futa bodybuilders and fans, coaches, other futas, etc?

I see a lot of potential for both, I'd be happy focusing on either one for a new comic.

You can choose both options if you want to encourage an equal mix of the two.

Question 2: Who advances to the next round?

Call this a regional qualifier event as a prelude to a bigger contest. Vote for the contestant(s) you want to see advance to the next round:

Question 3: What events should be included in these Exhibition League contests?

This one is more of a survey. I listed 12 ideas for different rounds of the contest, vote for as many of these as you want, and we'll see what events are most popular!

If you have suggestions for other things to include, let me know in the comments!



Jason Chan

Definitely just futa please!

Jason White

Ohh! This will be exciting!


Thanks for voting guys! It's really helpful to see what you're most interested in!