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Time to meet some more of Sundra's pirate crew!

Chef Cookie can brew up a powerful stew that keeps her crew scurvey-free and in fearsome fighting shape. The Curse of the Conquistador's Cock affects Cookie in a unique way, blessing her balls with a never-ending supply of nutritionally-fortified futa frosting!

And now for the boys, here's former Captain Keaton, who voluntarily gave his ship and crew to Sundra, and accordingly was allowed to stay aboard as "Assistant to the Captain" (and keep his beloved hat).

Ollie may appear stout and surly, but on the inside is quite gay and girly:

Pete is a silly and scruffy sea dog, who doesn't mind helping a girl with a log.

Marcus the lookout has two good eyes, but instead of the horizon they're usually fixed on Sundra's thighs.

Henry the parrot has quite a salty tongue, so he speaks for Marcus who doesn't have one.

Cabin Boy Ben is the ladies favorite, on account of his looks and flexibility, (and wit).

There are a few more pirates we'll meet another time... now how on earth do I end this rhyme?

One more pirate I'll throw into the mix, she goes by "Peggy"... want to see if it fits?



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