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You've heard of "turduckin" but what about "tur-dickin"?

A quick and silly warmup from yesterday's Discord livestream :3

I'm trying to break my habit of sitting on sketches until I feel like they're "good enough" to share because it means you guys only end up seeing 1 in 5 sketches here and the other 4 sit on Discord as WIP waiting for me to polish them up "enough" to share.

So this turkey-stuffer is a borderline example of what I usually consider undeserving of a whole patreon post. Mainly because you guys are supporting me based on what you've seen me do in the past, and that makes me want to maintain a certain level of detail or polish like clean inked lines or full shading on every pic... I sometimes have this fear you guys will see a post like this and thing "wtf mate I'm paying for comics/stories/colored/shaded/finished work! Not silly doodles!"

So I hope it doesn't feel like these quicker, messier sketches are taking the place of anything bigger. I often begin a drawing session with some low-pressure warmups, and usually end up doing nothing at all with the leftover doodles. Probably because I call every rough sketch a "WIP" implying everything rough needs to be cleaned up.

Instead of labeling every rough sketch as "Work In Progress" I'm going to call pictures like this a [Sketch], save [B&W] for the actual polished and fully "inked" linearts, and reserve [WIP] only for the pictures that have definite plans to continue.

If you have ideas or feedback about how I share rough vs final work, your input is very welcome!



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