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Big thanks to ΩOmega-MkIVΩ#9274  for this commission of Huntress from the game Dead by Daylight. I painted the first (flaccid version) of this picture many months ago:

Returning to this same Photoshop file to make an erect version, my painting process had changed enough that I decided to revert to the line art stage, and do a full repaint of the shading, coloring and background.

The downside: it doesn't match the flaccid version anymore, but hopefully looks a little nicer!

Added scars, dirt, and more skin texture with this repaint, as well as some missing touches like blood splatter on her axe and mask.

Because I took such a long time to start on part 2 of this commission, I wanted to give some extra value with one more bonus version with these additions:

+ Flexing her cock and busting the cock ring, sending fragments flying

+ Smiling / pleasure face

+ Cracking the axe handle because of how hard she's squeezing

+ Cumshot

Same V3 of the cumshot, except without the broken ring parts flying:

I learned sooo much on this one. Coming back to the same file months later was a good way to close the loop on a lot of process changes I've been testing out in recent months. I'm feeling more confident about which techniques are keepers!



Anthony Betz

She doesn't need the axe...she could beat them to death with that massive organ


Your creation process is amazing!