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Continuing this streak of re-designs for my "Futa's Bounty" fantasy-themed characters, it's time to explore Voska's size-drain and attribute-theft abilities! So far I've only drawn her looking super buff and hulking, so these sketches show her at her smallest baseline size.

Voska has modified her [ Drain Life ] spell to only selectively drain specific attributes from her target, like muscle or cock size. She could also drain fat if she wanted to syphon off some breast size, or even vascularity and height if she wanted to.

Orc society cast her out for being a "cursed" dual-gender hybrid, and human kingdoms have placed a high price on her head, so she's perpetually on the run.

A hooded cloak helps conceal her green skin while she travels the forest roads:

Under the cloak, her outfit is pretty sparse. Anything more covering and she would just rip it to shreds every time she used her size-drain magic to buff up.

She doesn't like to kill her enemies if it can be avoided, so she sees it as a mercy to simply "disarm" her attackers by stripping them of muscle, or anything they might want to use against her...

Her magical metabolism burns through that extra muscle in a matter of hours to days, returning to her baseline size:

Which means she'll always be ready to buff up again with more attribute theft!

As a refresher, this is the buffest I've drawn her so far, but I'll wager she can get a lot bigger than this if she has enough "resources" to "tap"!

Her wanted poster:



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