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There's always a bigger bully! Anyone else watching Season 2 of this show? My first sketch today was a little fanart for "The Boys" after I saw an opportunity for a fun display of female power with the introduction of a new super-strong "hero".

It does feel a little weird to make fanart of a character that was just revealed to be a horrible racist monster in the last two episodes of the show, but on the other hand, an artist can make fanart of Darth Vader without endorsing the slaughtering of younglings, right?

These two are both evil villains, but the fun comes from seeing Homelander finally struggle against someone just as strong... or perhaps stronger?

Fun with laser eyes:

For a long time I've been afraid to post anything SFW here... because it almost felt like "cheating" on you lovely patrons with my art time, since you're paying me to make NSFW stuff. But I felt this one would get a pass because it's still showing off some sexy female bicep. I don't plan to do SFW fanart regularly, but once in a blue moon if there's a chance to do something with female muscle I may pounce on it.

Feedback welcome if you'd like to see more male/female power stuff like this. I still plan to keep my art mostly muscle futa, but will mix it up once in a while if you guys enjoy this kind of thing!




Thats all fine and dandy, but who has the bigger weapon.

Anthony Betz

Yes, let's see the comparison where it really counts
