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Okay, I can explain...

You see, I was just sketching a random face warmup:

And at this point I thought – hey that kinda looks like Daisy Ridley! So I doodled a bit more:

A Rey fanart was beginning to coalesce. But which path to choose, light or dark?

For the past couple days I'd been getting some new requests for drawing a futa with two cocks. That idea bouncing around in my head collided with Dark Rey's double bladed lightsaber, and it sparked something:

The idea of using this for lighting practice with glows hitting her from opposite sides drove me onward:

First with one red source:

Then two:

Double red is most thematic for matching the double red lightsaber, but red and blue is an even tastier color combo, and the pose makes it look like she's giving you a choice:

Thanks to Mikhail Hill for suggesting the glowing condom idea on the Discord Livestream Chat!



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