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The supplement said it would make her bigger... but she didn't realize it meant BIGGER in EVERY way!

I did these sketches as a livestream commission, hopefully there will be a few more this month to create a full growth sequence of female to gigantic muscular futa. We focused on the most fun growth stages first like the pants-ripping bulge and this table lift & break, but I'd also like to try some GIFs to cover other parts of the growth sequence, like a starting point from her normal non-muscle girl stage, ripping out of her shirt, and so on.

Her original hairstyle was an afro per the commissioner's request, but I made some alt versions with glasses and this long straight hair for more of a nerdy look. 

I'll attach all the still images in a separate post, here are the GIFs to start!



Anthony Betz

This is a fantastic series. Because she is so fit and muscular, what would really cause her distress, would be if her boobs grew large and sagged down to her thighs. Sort of hanging over the sides of the chair. That would scare a muscular, fit , woman who normally has big, but very firm and upright boobs. It would be interesting


Wow! 😍