Cassie's Crossfit Cooldown [Color] (Patreon)
This was a sketch I started in December as anatomy practice, trying to work on more "realistic" proportions and not go overboard in the areas I usually love packing on size. She feels pretty close to my ever-elusive "sweet spot" of lean, ripped, and feminine, but I know I can do better!
I have a couple more sketches in this style still in progress, where I'm experimenting with proportions and level of conditioning. One of Lindsey & Becca is in the works for Diamond In The Buff Fans, and for those asking about Chapter 7 – I've got an outline I'm happy with but haven't started writing it yet, I'm going to make sure Size Check 2 is finished and the audio version of Size Check 3 is released before I write any more of Diamond 7 so I don't have too many open projects going on at once. I'm still using this vote to determine what order I get caught up on the backlog, but peppering in some surprises along the way so things don't get too predictable!