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Whether you're new here or a longtime supporter, you've probably noticed a big drop-off this year in the volume and frequency of my posts. Well let me bring you up to speed a bit:

In 2018 I quit my full-time job, and began putting all my newfound free time into art for this Patreon. Then a lot of unrelated shit happened in 2019 that caused some major chaos in my family, and a lot of pain for me and people close to me.

And now, I find myself feeling responsible for letting it happen. Even though the situation wasn't my fault directly - I think I could have prevented a lot of grief, if only I'd been paying more attention last year, instead of getting "too comfortable" working on my own projects.

Lately, whenever I sit down to work on art, I get the creeping feeling something bad is going to happen if I let my guard down and stop searching for potential problems that might need attention. The feeling grows to be overwhelming, and I can't help rushing through whatever I'm working on just to be done with it, even though there's no threat to attend to. When I'm unhappy with the final results I don't share the work here, and end up feeling even worse for keeping you guys waiting even longer... you get the idea.

So last week I decided to try something completely different, to get my creative juices flowing again. Instead of beating myself up about how behind schedule I am, or forcing myself to shit out something mediocre when I'm not feeling inspired - I decided to experiment with a totally new medium for me - sculpting with clay!

I have a growing collection of these little statues decorating the shelves of my studio, mostly comic book heroines and well-proportioned female video game characters:

One day the idea just hit me, and I ordered some modeling clay in a variety of colors...

And wow– it's been so much fun! Layering the clay over the statues to bulk them up with muscle feels like Photoshop IRL. It's easy to cover up clothing and armor by simply packing on more size.

Adding cocks to complete the muscle-futa enhancement is surprisingly easy when you've got a nice solid base figure to start with!

I'd love to eventually sculpt some original figures of my own design, but I'm glad I started with the training-wheels introduction of building on top of these model statues. Now I know what tools I need and what types of materials to use for an original figure sculpt.

Now don't worry guys, I'm not saying I'm burnt out on making futa art or stories. Far from it! I've just needed to break through some creative mental blocks to re-program my brain a bit, to get over my fear of continuing those bigger projects I've been leaving hanging.

I have some more photos of these sculpts I'll post this weekend, then I'm hoping to dive back into comic art next week. Working on these gave me a lot of time to think, and I'm feeling recharged and ready to give those overdue rewards a knockout punch before the end of the year.

If you enjoy this FutaSculpt™ concept let me know, because I've got several more statues ready and waiting for an upgrade!



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