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Like any Valkyrie worth her salt, Ashley doesn't really have specific "measurements" as much as a range of size potential based on how triggered she is. The more damage she takes, or the more aroused she gets, the more potential for growth she unlocks. In the heat of battle, while pushing her powers to the limit, it's easy for Ashley to lose control of herself... so lately she's been putting a lot of effort into practicing greater self-control, and it looks like she's getting pretty good at it.

Here we see the young Ms. Hollins demonstrating her new favorite exercise – a hands-free erection drill. With feet planted shoulder width apart, hands on hips, she brings herself to a full erection using only her mind, and the powerful pelvic muscles that swing her cock higher with every flex. Her cock has to reach higher than her head for it to count as a full rep of the exercise!

This time, all the images are animated GIFS that pulse and throb, for research purposes...

The high-res JPGs are also attached in a .zip file, should you require those for your records...



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