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We're going to cover a lot of ground with this vote! It's not just for one or two timeslot rewards, but to decide the priority order of where I should put my time for the next several months! All 6 of these are options I want to tackle eventually, but now's your chance to tell me what you want to see most:

You can vote for more than one option (but not all 6 or they cancel out). By order of popularity, I'll set these as the new timeslots for October and beyond.

1. Finish Off OLD ART That's Still In Progress

I've got half a dozen pictures at this stage of flat colors, which is the easy part. To do full shading and lighting still takes me a while from this stage, and I'm trying to push myself to improve and learn new techniques, so I could easily spend a few weeks finishing up this whole batch to the best of my ability. Before I spend all that time though, I'd like make sure that's what you guys want me to do! If you pick this option, there will be a followup vote similar to this one where Knights and Wardens will pick which of the flat color options you want me to finish and I'll work on them in that order.

2. Start New ART (Rook's Choice)

If you'd rather be surprised by something new, this option will be two new black and white sketches from the mystery grab bag of my mind. Even I don't know what they'll be yet, aside from the obvious requirement of muscle futa, and that I'll be pushing myself to experiment with things I haven't tried drawing before.

3. Finish OLD WRITING In Progress (Size Check 2 Pt 2)

Ah fuck... has it really been almost a year since I started this one? I've written 20 pages of part 2 continuing the Kim vs Felicia story, but it needs more time and attention to finish it in a satisfying way. I'll need to commit a timeslot to get it done in a timely manner, so if you want to see Kim vs Felicia concluded, pick this option to have me flogged mercilessly until I finish this story.

4. Start NEW WRITING Project (Rook's Choice)

If it's another standalone short story you're after, featuring new characters and situations, this option will have me commit some time to a new 40 page short story. No spoilers yet, but I've got an idea already, shall we say... hardening in my mind.

5. Finish COMIC In Progress (Futa's Bounty Pg 12 & 13)

I left page 12 of this comic about 60% complete when I dropped off the face of the Earth earlier this summer, and I'm still itching to scratch it off my to-do list. But my old style of drawing on paper then cleaning up and painting in photoshop, combined with the huge size of the canvas I was working with, was leading me to spend way too much time on every detail, it was getting to the point where 4 pages would be my total output for the month. So this summer I practiced sketching with ink on paper to develop a quicker and looser style of linework for webcomics. Being able to render a character with 100 brush strokes instead of 10,000 is the time savings that will make an ongoing comic sustainable. After finishing these next two pages of Futa's Bounty (completing Chapter 1 of that story) I'll be switching to a new painting style for comics (the 100 brush stroke one). However I still want to finish page 12 and 13 in the old style so they match (and because they are already half-drawn) but it will take time that could be spent on these other options, so I'll let the vote results guide me.

6. Start New Comic Page  (Wardens Vote)

I've got lots of ideas, and more than a couple already sketched out. There are 3 separate stories I'm considering making into a 3 page comic, and I'm working on the first page of each to put to a vote. Spoiler alert: One of them is Valkyrie-related! Even in Black & White the number of figures and detail on the page will take a good chunk of time to complete, so it goes on the backburner unless this option gets some votes.

Pick as many options as you like (just not all 6) This vote will stay open until Sept 30th:



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