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One of the benefits of your current reward tier is early previews of my works in progress, intermediate stages like this pinup of Chelsea for example, with flat colors applied but not yet finished with shading and highlights. I'll also be posting more previews of in-progress stories or the B&W line versions of comic pages as intermediate steps.

Historically I haven't posted WIP very often, but now that I'm spending more time on each piece (which means posts have become a bit less frequent) it seems like a good opportunity to post WIP previews more often.

This has the added benefit of giving you more opportunities for input. For example, in this pinup of Chelsea, I'm exploring several color options, and it's a great time to give me feedback on your favorite color combinations for hair, eyes, skin, outfits, etc.

My question for you now is where you'd like me to post this kind WIP preview. I'll list out the options, and what I see as the pros and cons of each:

1) WIP on Patreon Lens (Insta-story style clips that disappear after 24h)

pros: Doesn't clutter up the main feed with multiple WIP posts in between the finished ones. Easy to view on the mobile app.

cons: Low resolution. Can't be saved. Emails add to clutter (you can switch these off). I also have heard from some of you it's annoying to get an email that I posted something, only to log in and find it's already gone, so I suggest turning off the lens email digest in your settings.

2) WIP on Discord (In an exclusive channel for Knights and Wardens only)

That's right, I have a Discord server for this Patreon! I haven't promoted it yet or really done anything with it so far, but those of you with Discord accounts linked to Patreon may have noticed yourselves automatically added to "Rook's Vault" where I've been posting some WIP every now and then. If you're interested, here's an invite link to join the server: https://discord.gg/mcRJq2U

pros: Pictures can be downloaded. Easy to give feedback.

cons: Not on Patreon, so could be a hassle if you're not already on Discord.

3) WIP as Regular Posts on Patreon

pros: Keeps it simple, you'll see WIP posts in the same place as finished work. You'll also see the full post in your email, avoiding the need to log into Patreon or Discord.

cons: Clutters up the main post feed with extra versions (which is problematic because the only way to view posts is an infinite vertical scroll so this feels like a big downside to me).


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