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Greetings, friends and futa fans! It's time for an update on what's coming up in the next month, so here's what I'm working on for March:

Each timeslot covers roughly what I can get done in a week's time (except for the comic, that's been taking a little longer but I'm learning a lot) so this is my way of setting reasonably realistic goals for new content, while still having some space to finish off those last few stragglers carrying over from previous months. This time I've got the full month planned out in advance to make sure I'm not getting overly ambitious!

Timeslot 1: Illustrated Chapters – Amy Prescott is the blonde bully antagonist from Size Check 3: Meghan's Revenge, and I've been wanting to draw her ever since writing that story. Amy's pinup will show her demonstrating her mastery of "the condom game" that's featured so prominently in her story. I'll be posting B&W and color versions of this one.

Timeslot 2: Sexy Cosplay – Captain Marvel is coming out this week and I have my fingers crossed for some feats of super strength on display! Hopefully it's not just energy blasts... anyway, I wanted to draw Ashley as Captain Marvel this month, but that option came in 3rd on the last cosplay vote, behind Lindsey as Jessica Rabbit, so I decided to put it to another vote and replace the less popular options from last time with some fresh faces. Mira and Abby are two new characters created as a result of last month's vote, so they're joining the cosplay lineup against some heavy hitters. Mira as Widowmaker, Abby as Mercy, because I haven't tried my hand at any Overwatch characters yet.

Timeslot 3: Character Sheet – Before I started drawing the Futa's Bounty comic, I did several reference sketches of each character, just figuring out their costumes and proportions. Most were pretty rough but a couple came out nice enough to be worth spending some time polishing up and coloring, so I decided to make the very best ones into character sheets, since I probably won't use these poses in the comic itself. First up – Pendulum! I hear some Wardens in the back grumbling that you've seen a lot of her in the comic already, which is true! But you haven't seen much of her pendulum yet, if you know what I mean...

Timeslot 4: Futa's Bounty #11-14 – I've been sticking to a weekly schedule on this series, aiming to update every Sunday, but because this month has 5 Sundays and I'm only posting 4 comic updates each month, I took this week off and posted a vote instead. Wardens of the Wandering Eye got to choose which path the story will take for this month's pages, and it looks like we're going to the Alchemy shop!

Timeslot 5: Audio Episode – Diamond In The Buff will continue with Chapter 3 for Wardens, while Knights will get access to Chapter 2 (which was posted last month for Wardens). In the future I'll be mixing it up so it won't just be Diamond every month, other stories like The Lifeguard and Size Check 2&3 will be mixed in before Diamond is complete. Pretty soon I'll be putting it to a vote to decide on the next audio episode.

And I'll also be working on these stragglers rolling over from previous months. All of these are at least halfway done, but I'm avoiding burnout by bouncing between each of them adding finishing touches until they're ready for primetime.

Currently In Progress:

Last of December Commissions: Juri Comic #5 B&W

Last of November Commissions: Titan Comic #5 B&W

Felicia + MJ | Cosplay #7 In Color

Unreal Gains #9 | Chelsea's Expo Challenge In Color

Unreal Gains #8 | Kathy Lets Loose! In Color

Size Check 2 Part 2 (I've been experiencing major writer's block on this one trying to escalate it to a satisfyingly epic conclusion. I promise it's still coming! I want to make sure it's worth reading so I'm not rushing or forcing it.) 



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