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No major overhauls here, this is mostly just a graphical upgrade and fresh coat of paint to make it a little clearer what rewards are on offer at each tier. The biggest change in 2019 is going to be swapping out the daily sketches at the Warden tier for some fun new narrative-driven content, like webcomics and audio stories. So here's a rundown of the 5 tiers!

At $2 a month, Squires can expect to see at least 2 new pinups, most likely between 2 and 6 depending on what gets created for other tiers. Because I'm sharing commission results from the Valkyrie tier with all my patrons, Squires will sometimes get extra lewt like stories and comics, if they're done as commissions.

$4 Stewards will see color versions along with the B&W line art, averaging around 2 - 4 pinup posts per month.

Stewards will also get every story, but not WIP updates or early access, which is reserved as a perk for the next tier. For example if a story chapter is posted in two parts, Knights will see each part as soon as they're written, while Stewards will get the full chapter as a single post, 2-4 weeks later. This also means Stewards can't participate in any CYOA story votes while the stories are being written, but will still get the results of the full story eventually.

Knights get 1 - 3 votes every month, depending on how many time slots are available. I like to mix it up so we don't repeat the same kind of vote too often, but some favorites like Unreal Gains are becoming a monthly mainstay, so there will always be at least 1 thing to vote on.

Knights are also invited to a special WIP channel on Discord, where I'll be posting more frequent snapshots of progress. I'll also be using the Patreon Lens to share works-in-progress, but they will only be visible to $8 and up, the way the daily sketches were in 2018.

The real meat and potatoes of the Knight tier is going to be the audio stories feed, where I'll be posting at least 1 new audio episode every month. At first they'll be audio readings of existing stories like Diamond In The Buff, The Lifeguard, and the Size Check series, but there will also be new Valkyrie stories, and more standalone one-shot stories introducing new characters, any of which could get a sequel if votes call for it.

Lastly, Knights get first look at all written stories, including CYOA stories where Knights vote at decision points in the story to determine how the plot develops. I've been slow to finish the first one of these I experimented with, but I'm excited about the format and am looking forward to doing more of them, and trying out some ideas I have for multi-decision-point stories.

Here's the tier with the biggest change – in 2019 I'm ending the daily colored sketches, and I'm investing that time into a bigger project: one of two weekly webcomics that will alternate monthly!

I got a lot of practice on all those daily pinup sketches, to the point where I finally feel comfortable embarking on a more complex challenge – an ongoing comic with one new panel/page per week. It's going to be a lot fewer updates, but I think you'll all really enjoy seeing my time go towards these two storylines.

My plan is to post the first 4 panels/pages of the first storyline in January, then the first 4 of the other story in February. Then in March, after both series have had their "pilots" Wardens will vote to decide which one I continue each month.

So for $4 more than the Knight tier, Wardens will get 4 pages of the webcomic each month. These comics will eventually become public like all the art I post on Patreon does after a while, but Wardens will get it hot off the press, and will also get to decide how the stories develop, and which storyline gets more pages.

One more perk for Wardens: downloadable .mp3 versions of the audio stories!

And for those who want to commission my quill to create some custom art or writing to suit their fancy, we have this gold-plated, jewel-encrusted, coconut-scented reward tier. I wish there was a better way to process singular transactions through Patreon, but this has been working well enough as a commission tier limited to 1-2 patrons per month. It gets a bit wonky near the end of the month as patrons have to reduce their pledges to avoid auto-purchasing another slot at the start of the following month (I can always process refunds if this happens by accident, for the record), so sometimes it may be unclear how many slots are actually available. Feel free to send me a message if you're considering it and I can notify you when it becomes available.

I have this tier closed at the time of this post, because I'm currently working on Commission #3 and have slot #4 already sold. Once I'm caught up on those, Commission #5 will open mid-January.

This can be used for a full-color pinup, a B&W GIF animation, a 3 panel comic strip, a 2k word short story, or something similar. You can also combine multiple commission slots together for a bigger project, so one upside to having commissions as a reward tier – you will always have first dibs on the next month's slot by simply not giving up the quill!

Commission #1: Nicole The Valkyrie 

Commission #2: Short Story - Size Check 3: Meghan's Revenge 

Commission #3: Nicole The Valkyrie Comic Strip

Commission #4: 3 Panel Comic featuring Juri from Street Fighter

Commission #5: Opens Jan 15



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