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For all her big talk, Jenna somehow always manages to wriggle out of situations where she and Kim would be fully hard together, side by side. If they’re pumping iron out on the gym floor, Jenna will offer to spot Kim, but the rowdy redhead would rather they lift at the same time to see who gets bigger, harder, faster.

If they’re fucking girls in the locker room together, Jenna always wants to take turns and pass the girls around, but that’s not Kim Ableton’s style. She wants a spectacle with an audience, so ALL the girls can see how much heat she’s packing. To make sure they all get a feel of how rock-solid stiff her colossal cock gets when she’s really worked up. And of course, to swoon over how many pints of cum Kim can unload when she really lets loose... but most of all, she wants to emphasize how much bigger than Jenna she can get whenever she wants to.

Though Jenna would never admit it, she kinda loves it when Kim puts her in her place. So she never protests too much when Kim wants to take a Size Check selfie together.

Last time they compared, Kim only let herself grow as erect as she needed to - to beat Jenna in their little contest. Nobody present had realized it at the time, but if Kim had really wanted to, she could have pushed herself to an even bigger size with a hard workout before measuring up.

Today Kim is feeling extra-full (of herself) and pressures Jenna into a heavy lifting session with their cocks out on full display for the rest of the gym to see. The competitive nature of their public pump session gets Kim feeling so frisky she ends up swinging a jaw-dropping erection, more massive than anything Jenna has ever seen from her best “frienemy” before.

With all eyes in the gym glued to the pair of bulging beauties, Kim takes out her phone and blows Jenna a kiss after racking the weights from her last set. Jenna knows what time it is, and she knows how to stay in Kim’s good graces. If she poses for Kim’s selfie like a good #secondbananna, Jenna knows she’ll have earned dibs on being first in line to suck Kim off. The freckled firecracker’s first load was always huge, and Jenna’s stomach was rumbling for a protein shake.



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