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Good news everyone! I'm stepping up my game and committing to posting a brand new sketch every day in addition to the 4 monthly Time Slots you're accustomed to. That's an extra 28 to 31 pictures a month, for an upgrade to the new $12 reward tier Warden of the Wandering Eye!

What this isn't: It's not an increase in price for existing content, or a reduction in the amount of content I've been regularly posting here since 2017, that will all stay the same!

What's Changing: All patrons now see a cropped preview of the Daily Lens Sketch, so you can keep tabs on what's being posted there if you want to wait a while before trying it out.

Knights of the Phallic Order ($8 Tier) Will now see the full, uncensored Daily Lens Sketch, on the day it's released! It disappears after 24 hours, but Knights will get to see everything being posted to the new Warden tier.

Wardens of the Wandering Eye (new $12 Tier) Get access to a Lens Recap Archive post, with downloadable versions of every sketch from the month. At the end of every month (technically the start of the following month after pledges have processed) I'll send out a .zip file containing all the month's sketches.

July was a trial run for me, to see if I could handle the volume of a daily sketch on top of other stuff like the Tess Comic and higher quality, more detailed pictures I intend to keep producing. It was also a free preview for all of you, to give you an idea of what you can expect from this new reward tier. 

Here are some more reasons I'm doing this, in no particular order:

1. I have a tendency to want to make every new picture I post better than the last, which has the unfortunate side effect of encouraging me to take longer with every piece and get lost in the details, instead of working faster and looser to improve through practice. I'm still sitting on a pile of over 200 sketches from 2010 - 2015, that I'd love to share, but don't hold up to the same quality as my recent stuff from 2017 - 2018. So to bring them up to snuff, I do a bit of cleanup in photoshop to breathe new life into the sketch, whether thats correcting anatomy, cleaning up lines, or adding colors, but it encourages me to not spend too long on each one. It also makes me confront my weaknesses with fresh eyes, which helps improve anatomy errors and introduce more variety into character poses.

b) As a kid I used to love "Advent Calendars" that would appear during the holidays – cardboard boxes with a little compartment for every day of the month – you open one box every day, like a 3d calendar with loot inside. Usually just a piece of chocolate or random trinket, but one year I had a Lego calendar with a mini figure to put together each day – and days towards the end of the month had extra instructions to build bigger stuff out of the previous days – I thought it was the most awesome thing ever and it made me excited to wake up every day, even though I would never have gotten that excited about a couple simple legos without the calendar. Ok I'm getting sidetracked here, but the point is I was feeling inspired by that excitement of a daily perk to look forward to!

III. Plus it's a good way for me to mix in some of the rougher sketches I wouldn't normally post alongside better ones so they eventually see the light of day! If you enjoyed any of the Lens sketches from July, I've been sitting on those for ages, and just needed an excuse to post them without feeling like I was dropping my quality. It's also a fun way to explore a theme, as you'll see over the next 7 days...

The new Warden tier is going to be free for all patrons to preview the first week of August. I'll be making the daily sketches available in a downloadable post, but at the end of the week they will all disappear behind the Warden paywall (where they will remain available to Wardens, along with downloadable versions of the rest of the sketches in August). So get em while they're hot!

As a special treat for anyone who tries out the Warden tier this week, there's a bonus early preview of one of the new Valkyrie pictures from the end of the week, with some extra color versions – but no pressure or anything, you'll see it later in the week... it's just a Valkyrie crushing a tank into the size of a soccer ball ;) 




Eh.. not really a fan of that, seems only more paywalling...


Well I tried to explain – at your current $8 tier you will be getting an extra 30 pictures a month, on top of what I'm already posting, without paying anything extra. If you like the pictures enough to want to download them, it's only $4 more for all of em – but no pressure, you can always screenshot the Lens clips to save them! I'll also be posting the Lens content for free eventually, the way I'm currently posting 2017 Patreon content on Tumblr and HentaiFoundry. It will all be shared eventually, I'm just trying to get enough support to go full time with this hobby 🙏❤️🌈


Is this starting now in August?


Yes, but for the first week of August, the Daily Sketch will be posted free for all Patrons, so you’ll see everything Wardens would see up until the 8th. The exclusives will start after the 8th.