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15.081 - Varni is a hybrid "Nightblood" Elf born of a union between Blood Elf and Night Elf parents (both futas), resulting in an unusually hardy constitution for an elf. She excels at physical activity, especially hunting, and finds the thrill of the chase arouses her like nothing else. She wears enough armor to cover herself around town, but when she's alone out in the forest on a hunt, Varni strips down to let her bare skin feel the breeze. She'll tell you it improves her tracking ability, with less clothing to snag on branches, and less rustling to give away her position. Varni's favorite prey to hunt is orc, especially when a solitary scout is trespassing through her territory. She's dangerous enough to sneak up on them without giving away her position, but the truth is she loves it when they catch a glimpse of her glistening muscles and stiffening cock moving through the trees, just before she strikes. Depending on her mood, her first arrow might just pin the hapless orc to a tree without injury. Having impeccable aim with her bow can get a little boring, so once in a while Varni likes to get up close and personal with her prey to test her prowess...

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