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The last thing Ash could remember was doing tequila shots with those sorority sisters at her bar last night... She'd been working, tending the bar as she always did Thursday through Saturday nights, serving up free drinks to the cutest girls to keep them hanging around her establishment. Ashley played it like a game, to see how many busty beauties she could line up in a row. Last night she'd hit the jackpot - a row of matching blondes with D-cup tits and sparkly dresses. There had clearly been some coordinated effort by these girls to drink the bartender into a suggestible enough state to bring her home with them. Normally Ashley did the seducing, but she found she had no memory of leaving the bar with these girls...

Ashley sat up and realized she was completely naked, as the blanket fell away from her muscular torso. She was also sporting her standard morning wood: a solid 22 inch erection that would need unloading before too long. Ash yawned as she took in her surroundings. She counted five pairs of girls underwear thrown haphazardly around the pink-walled bedroom. Her own clothes were nowhere to be found.

Ashley rolled out of bed, stood in the middle of the room and stretched, buck naked and fiercely erect. Just then she heard the click of a phone camera, accompanied by giggling voices. The bartender spun towards the door and saw it was open just a few inches. She heard footsteps running down the hallway, accompanied by more mischievous laughter.

Ashley smiled and stepped into the hallway, dripping a trail of pre-cum from her bucking cock as she followed the sound. She fully intended to plough all five of those naughty co-eds, before helping herself to a late breakfast in their kitchen. Last night might have been the first time she'd seen these girls... but Ash still knew her way around this sorority house. She did work at a bar in the area, after all.

When she cornered her captors in the study lounge, Ashley wasn't too happy to discover they'd already posted her picture to their sorority twitter account. To teach them a lesson, Ash decided to line them up and fuck each one so hard they couldn't walk to class on Monday.

Ashley knew from experience that a week was long enough for first-timers to recover from her cock. Despite the rough "punishment", she had a feeling next Thursday night they'd all be doing shots together again.



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