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Lindsey hasn't always been as big as she was on the day Becca first laid eyes on her. A few years earlier, Lindsey had never even set foot in a real gym before. Her workouts had taken place exclusively at home, thanks to her apartment full of weightlifting machines she'd ordered from late-night infomercials. Lindsey had always been too afraid of her secret "getting out" to use the public gyms, especially the changing rooms.

But the changing rooms at the mall weren't as easy to avoid. Lindsey's unique anatomy demanded she try things on before buying, mail-order was not an option here. So it's easy to understand why, after getting desensitized to the danger, the young futa let her guard down, just the one time.

She was only supposed to be shopping for shoes, but the bikini on the rack had called out to her, daring her to try it on. It was a tube-top / miniskirt combo, nowhere close to enough fabric to cover what needed covering. She would never dream of sporting something that skimpy at the beach... so why was she taking this unnecessary risk?

The anticipation was giving Lindsey tunnel vision. She hadn't noticed the way the girl behind the register had watched her picking out the bikini. Hadn't noticed the twinkle in the shop girl's eye as she directed Lindsey to the changing rooms. There was only a flimsy curtain, not even a full door, separating her secret from the rest of the store. But she was already caught up in the idea... how would it look, just hanging out of the skirt to her knees?

One by one, her clothes hit the changing room floor. It was all too easy to see when she was at her most vulnerable, for anyone standing outside to choose just the right - or wrong - moment to enter. Before Lindsey could step into the miniskirt, she heard the sound of the curtain being yanked open behind her. She spun around, wearing only her hat, to see the shop girl staring at her in disbelief.

And this is what the shop girl saw...



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