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Later today (assuming the electricity stays on!) I'll post the poll for the next Adventures of Alynnya Slatefire: Interludes issue. I've talked about an interactive option and a couple of requests to continue the main story. I'm still learning the visual novel software so don't want to leave y'all hanging on that as I can't accurately estimate the time it would take to make that. For the continuation of the main storyline - what I've said previously about the balancing act of creating content that attracts and keeps patrons is the decider here. I've given it a lot of consideration and nobody is more invested in that story than I am. I dedicated thousands of hours into making that story. It's not a "no never" but it is a "not at the moment." 

Later today, all going to plan, I'll post the poll for the next comic issue!

Here's what we've had this week!

picarto.tv/callmeplissken stream schedule for this weekend:

  • Sunday: 11.30am-5pm UK




I wouldn’t mind seeing some more story from the Furious Angels. Or how about a short story in Brimstone. We already have quite a few characters there including some baddies and a sheriff that either can rescue some damsels in distress or become one herself.