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Sup gang! Hope y'alls had a great easter weekend. This is the third time I've written this one (thanks to website glitches) so here's the brevity edition

Announcements and exciting new things:

  • THANK YOU to everybody who's already filled in the April Feedback Survey I really appreciate it. Gonna leave it open for another week to give others a chance. There's a free commission picture up for grabs for 1 randomly selected participant.
  • Stream story becomes Slatefire Stories! Figured we might as well make it an "official" comic. We'll keep doing 1 per month to keep things lively, interesting and engaging for all.
  • Slatefire Stories ideas submissions is now open to all patrons! What do you think should happen next? Leave your ideas on this week's page !
  • Rithian Ranger level patrons get something new too! Submit your ideas / requests for some kinky sexy Rule34 type pics (game and comic characters)
  • What would you like to see Aly wearing for the next Weekly Update pic? Leave you ideas in the comments and whichever gets the most Likes (hearts, whatevs) will be the next banner.

Right, time for the schedule (don't mean to sound terse, but this is literally the third time I've typed it out - grrr)

  • Monday: AHMT #43 / Slatefire Stories Issue 1 Page 2 post, Weekly Update
  • Tuesday: SBViking's stream commission pic post, Wyland's commission stream (more from Prim! Woot! :)
  • Wednesday: Adventures of Alynnya Slatefire Issue 05 Director's Cut begins!
  • Thursday: Fayden's commission stream - wonder what his amazing imagination has for us this time?
  • Friday: Streaming Slatefire Stories page 3!
  • Saturday: Sleep day! Probably gonna play some Witcher 3 (as it is my favourite game of all time)

I've probably forgotten a load of stuff. Oh yeah, Aly on the banner! I drew her at the usual crazy size and naked as a base to work from so I'll post that once I've put some food on. Her outfit in this first one shows "my thing" - love a girl in a pair of converse, especially the extra long ones :)




Y'know, I'm never really all that good at Rule34 ideas, but I wouldn't mind seeing a few of the last female Companions from Doctor Who get the treatment. Clara Oswald and Amy Pond would be my preferences. Or even going old school and getting Leela and Romana.

Abraham McNeil

The protagonist from Horizon Zero Dawn would be a good one too