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Ack, what a week! Have not been able to get into the studio to work on Furious Angels. Sincerely sorry to let y'all down - I see the patrons departing this week and without them filling out the Exit Surveys, I can only assume that's due to frustration over the delays. While I can apologise until I'm blue in the face for causing anybody to feel that way, in my own defence, I'm the primary care giver for Little Witcher due to Mrs Wife's chronic back injury.

BUT ANYWAY! Tomorrow I'll post the latest Rain and Skyler pic- I hope this goes some way to make it up to y'all and alleviate any frustrations.

picarto.tv/callmeplissken stream schedule for this weekend:

Saturday: 1-5pm UK

Sunday: 11am-5pm UK



Aridecan Games

I haven't commented before, but don't put it down to frustrations or lack of content. You're doing a good job. Just remember inflation is running high right now (7.7% in Canada, the rest of the world is sort-of the same) and wages aren't keeping up with it. Many people are starting to suffer from empty wallets because of it and that might be the reason more than anything else.


Thank you, I really appreciate that and you taking the time to comment. I guess I’m the one who’s frustrated by the unpredictable nature of the situation - as soon as I get a bit of momentum going with something, life decides to stop it in its tracks. Genuinely really appreciate your comment, thank you again :)


Been good and hot stuff posts lately, I'm happy.