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For a little while now people have been translating Adventures of Alynnya Slatefire into other languages and sharing them.

I’ve got no way to contact these people but oh my days, they’re awesome! What a brilliant thing to do. You / they rock!!!

If you’re one of them, know one of them or can translate the comics into other languages - please message me! I can’t afford to pay translators but I will do my best to show my appreciation to anybody who’s willing to make non-English versions of my comics!



tlhIngan maH, reH mataH, wo' wISaH, tlhIngan maH! Hahaha, just kidding there. Good luck finding someone who can help with that, at any rate!


Am I weird that I instantly recognized this as Klingon?


Perhaps not as weird as if you understood it.. Or, like me, posted it in the first place. XD