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Sup gang!

I hope the first week of 2022 is treating you well so far! I'm still recovering from Covid (and very very bored of feeling unwell, quite frankly!) 

I'm planning to stream this weekend at the usual times, which is optimistic but not out of the realm of possibility. IF I can do it, we'll aim for 2 comic pages (Furious Angels and Adventures of Alynnya Slatefire) but until I get over covid, we might have to be pragmatic about it and scale that back possibly to "make some cool sexy pics to share next week"

If a stream needs to be cancelled, I'll post a "sorry, not gonna happen today" message at the same time I'd normally post a "Live in 25" or sooner if and where possible.

A more general CMP Update: Due to exceptional good luck, Mrs Wife and LW have managed to avoid catching covid! I've been quarantining myself as much as possible which made for a rather lonely couple of weeks but a necessary sacrifice. 

A massive massive thank you for continuing to be a member of the Rangers. As soon as I'm healthy again we'll get right back on the comic creation fun!

As somebody who's now had 2 jabs, a booster and Covid twice (april 2020 before lockdowns, testing and vax etc) - I truly, sincerely hope you're all staying safe and staying healthy. I'm super careful with masks, hand sanitiser and all that jazz, and I've gotten it twice! 


Stream times (if all goes well) for picarto.tv/callmeplissken 

  • Saturday: 1-5pm UK
  • Sunday: 11a-5pm UK



Glad you're feeling better, my friend! Covid is no match for Metal Art Witcher prowess! And doubly-glad your ladies have been spared catching it!


Glad recovery is going well! The world needs all it's cheery maniacs in top shape