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Here we go, Aly-fans! Enjoy!



Abraham McNeil

Or...or! Humble Beginnings could suddenly get a windfall of ten votes and make an underdog sweep. Theoretically possible! Team Humble Beginnings!


Continuity: missing her anklets in panel 1, and looks like she's also missing her bra. :) I love the way she's arching her back in pleasure though! :D


There's still enough votes for Humble Beginnings to snatch a victory. The tentacle fans have been very patient so far, though. It's also the funniest of the three. Personally, I couldn't pick a favourite, but that's only because I know what happens in all three :)


Damn, there's quite a few missing bits on that frame. In my defence, I did draw it at 4am on Wednesday thanks to another attack of laptop manufacturer cheaping out on "lead free solder"