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Sup gang! This weekend's streaming plans are modest and provisional, unfortunately. 

CMP Update- Little Witcher's nursery had a confirmed case of covid among her group - and we've all been rather unwell this week. Still waiting on test results to see what's what. Mrs Wife and I are both double-jabbed so we're mostly just super fatigued and looking after LW. However, we're unsure about getting our usual weekend family reinforcements. Gotta play it by ear this weekend!

If all goes well, come join me and the gang this weekend at picarto.tv/callmeplissken (follow on picarto for notifications!)

  • Saturday: 1-5pm UK
  • Sunday: 11a-5p UK




Yikes! Hope tests come up COVID-free and everyone feels 100% soon! Take care, my friend!


Thanks bro. Mrs Wife's test came back negative but we're still waiting on mine and LW's results. Hope all is well over on your side of the atlantic - and sorry you've gotta do the lone warrior mage act at the moment! Don't forget what we learned at the Volcano of Suspicious Intent - Glyph-seekers are deadly foes but they're terrified of interpretive dance ;)


They're especially vulnerable to karaoke as well. Noting that for future reference!


Best wishes on the test results and good luck on the ability and energy to stream. And I'm sure you and Mad will be back to your wild adventuring soon.