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TL; DR: No live streams or comic pages this week. Sincere apologies! Full explanation below. Back to normal next week.

Sup gang,

Well... I guess I need to share a little bit more than usual about my situation than I typically do. The reason I don't, in general, is that you awesome lot are here for comics and pics. Fun times! We've all got stuff in our lives and these months of lockdowns and Covid ain't made those any easier.

My wife has had a chronic back injury for a little over 3 years now. I am, what the UK government classifies as, her "unpaid carer." She's an absolute *warrior champion* with how well she deals with it. If I had to live with constant pain I would've cracked in the first month (and some reference, I "dealt with" a broken tooth myself last year. I'll leave it to your imaginations as to the "how" I dealt with it.) On Sunday morning, Mrs Wife made the critical mistake of sneezing. A sneeze while reaching for a tissue. She's pretty much bed ridden at the moment.

So that's why I've gotta take this week to look after her and Little Witcher (who has to stay home from nursery school due to the latest cold from nursery school), can't take the required time to make this week's comic pages and sadly, have cancelled the "Guilty Gear Strive on Twitch" week I've been planning for months (the stream regulars aka Ranger Squad know just how excited I've been about sharing that with you all.) 

Aaaanyway! I'll get my house in order and comics will resume next week. My sincere apologies to you all for the lack of comics and live streams.

Stay safe and stay healthy, everybody!




Will be wishing you well all week and looking forward to your return--and hope you'll be able to get some of that personal time soon.

Second of Many

Completely understand the struggles of chronic pain. That is the most important thing to do, and we can wait until you can. Best wishes for everyone