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Morning Rangers,

I gotta take a few days out to look after my family so everything is going to be pushed back by a week. I’ll be back to usual schedule starting with stream next Saturday (22nd August)

I‘ll post some new exclusive pics and stuff from the Unpublished folder to keep ya entertained ;)

For those interested in the “why” side of things - I had to cut the stream off early yesterday as my Little Witcher got herself stuck under the kitchen table (as you do) and got quite upset (as you would.) Mrs Wife tried to get her out (as you certainly would) but hurt her back doing so - on the opposite side to her chronic back injury. I’ll be looking after them this week (as I do without hesitation) 

Have a great week where ever you are in the world, Rangers, never forget how deeply I appreciate each and every one of you and I’ll see ya next week!




Take care, Pliss! We'll be here when everything settles on your end!


Take care man! Hope everything is ok and that Mrs Wife has a quick recovery!