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Gonna try to combine the old format of Ranger requests and ideas with the new painted style of pics. This one is a tribute to a rather famous saucy pic of a blindfolded blonde (you may know it, if not... I'm kinda surprised, honestly lol)

As it is a tribute to that photo, that's going to be our theme. The gal here is being offered as a tribute! I sketched Aly's hair onto it just to show the blindfold going over the hair, but let's get some requests for characters going for this one!

The painted style is both more time consuming and harder to do, so the variations are going to be relatively simple as well as the background. While I've got a pretty decent knowledge of characters, feel free to tell me a bit about them and why they appeal. A link or two to some reference pics is always helpful too ;)

If all goes well with these test pics, we'll go back to the older format of sketches on Tuesdays and polls on Thursdays. I'm apprehensive to do that right away as I'm still learning the painted style and don't have a super-accurate idea of time requirements (but once I do, painted style commissions will be available!)

Share your ideas and requests in the comments section below!

Stay safe, stay well, and enjoy!




Thinking of being a tribute makes me think of being an offering to a deity, like a human sacrifice but possibly with less murder and more foreplay. this makes me think kinky aztecs which makes me think of chel from road to el dorado. her "should I even have bothered wearing anything?" outfit lends itself quite well to this kind of art


See what I mean? https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/roadtoeldorado/images/9/94/Chel%21.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120722170235


I have to say although you drew Aly's hair in to show her I think the pose and situation is very suited to her. I can't think of any other person to nominate but perhaps she could be wearing something like a Lei (Garland) with maybe the odd candle scattered about to provide light. https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/~XAAAOSwC2Jasowh/s-l640.jpg