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Good mornin' Rangers!

TL; DR: Gotta look after my family, but will still be streaming painting at weekends! Next charge date will be August 1st 2020. I'll post commissioned pics and anything I do for fun.

Right gang, here's a little bit of background on what's going on and why I'm pausing things during June! 

 In a nutshell, I gotta be Super Daddy and Husband to get my house in order :) 

I don't talk about it, but Mrs Wife has a chronic back injury which has been exacerbated during the Covid craziness - no physio, no therapy swimming, no pilates classes - and when I got sick last week (curse you, attempted prawn bhuna!) she had to pick up the slack for me. I do the majority of the domestic chores which I couldn't do while recovering from food poisoning. Our Little Witcher is now at the age where she's learning to run around the place, which is totally amazing, but also quite demanding. Once LW has got the knack of walking about, things will be easier or at least less tense lol

I'm going to keep doing the painting streams on Saturdays and Sundays at picarto.tv/callmeplissken - I want to keep learning, improving, all that jazz. Equally importantly, we all have a lot of fun when I do those streams.

You're all important to me, on a personal level. I'm in good spirits and those of you who've heard me (ramble) on stream know how I sound when I'm smiling so imagine that when you're reading all this. A month of free access to the thousands of pics I've created is my thank you gift to you all. 

In the past when I've had to pause the ol' patreon page, I get a lot of messages asking if they can keep their pledge going even though I'm not charging. To save us all time, I won't argue it with you this time and simply give you my tip-jar link - ko-fi.com/cmptips 

Have a great day everybody, I hope you're safe and well wherever you are in the world! I'll be back soon! Hit me up on Discord if you have questions. I'll be happy to answer questions on stream this weekend so drop by and feel free to ask.


PS -   Index and contents for your reading and viewing pleasure! 

PPS - I put another couple of hours into the delayed Top Tier Thursday #23 but honestly, even after 6 hours, it's still kinda crap. As my grandmother used to say, if you burn toast you don't keep cooking it to fix it.



Take care of Mrs Wife and LW CMP, they come first :) Hope Mrs Wife feels better soon, and seems LW will soon be running so fast you'll need a Roach to keep up with her ;)


Good luck being SuperDad!


Thanks FP :) LW is certainly very speedy and fortunately, I genuinely am a half-decent rider... although I'm not entirely sure where we'd keep a hoss


Thanks BD! Luckily, Little Witcher is an absolute pleasure to spend time with. I'm sure every (besotted) father says the same thing but she's a genuinely charming and very lovely person to spend time with :D