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Here's the developed version of  AHMT #189 - choose the theme!  based on the winning option of "sci-fi setting + kinky fun times theme"

Let's get some ideas into the mix, eh? As a starting point, I'm thinking we've got a classic pulp space adventurer waiting for her alien friend. Maybe a little bit of fan-art fun for the variations like Samus Aran in her Zero Suit ( https://metroid.fandom.com/wiki/Samus_Aran ) or maybe a sexy alien lady... whatever species Chiana from Farscape was ;)

Feel free to chip in ideas! At this stage all the details are rough n vague so can be changed! Wanna see the damsel in ropes? Suggest it in the comments! Would you like to see the damsel have a single long braid offset to one side? Comment! Noblewoman captured by bandits? Commentio! 

You get where I'm going, right?




(Borderlands3) Maya waits while the other vault hunters massacre her captors.


I'm not sure how possible this would be as it's more Space western but I always love to see more Faye Valentine. As for other ideas what if there is a furistic pad on the bed to determine the kinky level setting.