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It's a different kind of challenge this week and to close out Monster Month, gang! Who's strapped to that table / obelisk / thing and what is approaching / looming / right next to her? Fire up those imaginations, Rangers, and let loose! 

Welcome our new and our returning Rangers, farewell to our leavers. Here's our ever-blushing, lip-chewing heroine Alynnya to explain the AHMT format:  AHMT #124 - New Year, New AHMT - Rangers 

I'm gonna say no to: Cate and Daphne, KinkedIn, Ranger Girl, Lady Sprocket, characters introduced current Adventures of Alynnya Slatefire comic issue - Kimiko Sho and Governor Sykes.  


OCs are allowed, fan-art requests from games, comics and cartoons etc or just provide a description of some characters if you'd prefer e.g. busty redhead cheerleader

Because AHMT is now open to your Own Creations there's some additional guidelines:

  • You’re encouraged to request your own character creations 
  • You can request other Ranger's characters if you mention their patreon name in the request some where.
  • You have to provide at least 1 link to a picture of the character - it'll be impossible for me to find one otherwise. If that's not possible (e.g. because you're a writer) then a description of their appearance is needed**
  • Multiple Rangers can request the same character. The background and scene will make a huge difference to the picture so don't forget to explain your scene idea.
  • The 130 character "vote line" will make a BIGGER impact this week as your fellow Rangers may not know your character!

I'm hype to read your ideas and requests, Rangers, so share them in the comments section below or direct to me via a patreon message!

* don't forget to provide reference links for fan-art requests :)

** A concise description please. I wish I had time to read everybody's stories relating to requests, but time is never on my side.



Second of Many

Blonde cheerleader is put on display in preparation for the vampires' feast

Second of Many

The newly created Bride of Frankenstein is presented, helpless, to Frankenstein’s Monster.