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Friday is my day off (see, I do listen when you awesome lot tell me its not healthy to go weeks and weeks without a day off lol) and I did this little piece this morning for the joy of it. Evie is one my personal favourite characters to draw - right up there with Prim, Elspeth and Millie.

The eagle-eyed among you will have noticed that over the last 8-9 months or so, I’ve been painting more elements of pictures as opposed to colouring line-art. It’s been one of my goals for this year to learn this technique and today, I think the process and method is starting to come together.

Not quite confident enough in working in this style to offer it as a commission thing, but was really happy with how it came out! By far the best attempt to date :D







Thanks mate :D lots of attempts and this is the first one that came out like I wanted it to :D Will give it another go next Friday during morning nap time and hopefully I’ll be one step closer to adding it to my repertoire

Second of Many

Wow. This is great. Would love to see more like this