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Bit of an explanation and idea behind this pic of Miss Merigold (part of which being I know some of the Rangers are into fan-art stuff and the comic at the moment is relatively safe-for-work at the moment so some NSFW is for those who prefer that) 

You're welcome to interpret it in the way you like, but my thinking is that Triss, feeling comfortable and happy with Geralt, confesses a secret desire to him. Geralt decides he's going to make that happen for her - he doesn't judge her for it and just wants to give her one hell of a night!

I was demonstrating how to paint in details on top of a pic which is why there is an arguably "very much over the top very messy" version.  In terms of the story, we'll say that it shows Triss has been enjoying herself for quite a while. It's on the $10 post that went live about 15 minutes ago but I'm scheduling this up in advance so will add link later.





The angle, the collar, everything. ♥️ Fantastic pic.


Wow. Triss must be placing incredible trust in Geralt to watch over her, keep her safe...but also gratitude for indulging her fantasy.