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I just did a quick google of the characters in the "Sith Happens" option which is currently leading the poll. One of the characters is quoted as being too young so unless somebody can correct me and share a link for some evidence that she's an adult, we're gonna be running with the second place option. 

Hope to see you tomorrow for a day of streaming fun!




In StarWars Rebels she should be adult. (left side of my reference pic)


Ok, i did some numbers i got from Wookieepedia. She wars Born in 36 BBY (before battle of Yavin). Clone Wars broke out in 22 BBY, Ashoka was indeed only 14 at that time if my math is correct. She got the rebel informant codename Fulcrum in 18 BBY. Which makes her at least 18 Years. So adult Ashoka is the one one the left side of the pic with white lightsabers. I really didn't count 1 plus 1 together, that she was a padawan during the clone wars and therefore most likelike underage. I feel kinda stupid and a litte weird now. Also, now that I'm thinking of it, I find her outfit in the first seasons of Clone Wars quite inappropriate for her age. I would'n let my daughter run around like that, she'd freeze her kidneys 🤦🏼‍♂️


https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Ahsoka_Tano and https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Fulcrum_(title) There are boxes with the Years on the right side. BBY is like the StarWars Version of B.C.