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I was not expecting extended family from up north dropping in with loads of gifts for Little Witcher (couldn’t really turn them away with arms full of gifts for the little ‘un lol)

I’m going to be uncharacteristically sensible and not stay up until 2am to finish this tonight. Tomorrow will be a bonanza day of posts with AHMT 138 and the sketch for 139 and the next AFLF!

G’night, Rangers o7 




Love the bondage with clothes hangers! Brilliant idea! Wearwolf looks devious and dapper, the monocle is a nice touch. Glad your being sensible and getting some rest; get plenty charged up and ready to melt this damsels clothes off =D


A monocle AND a pocket square?? Goodness, that's awesome! And the Wearwolf approves sensible artists. Besides, delays build up dramatic tension, after all. Muahahahaha.