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Sup Rangers - I hate making excuses almost as much as I hate letting you all down, but as you can see, I need more time for this week's Aly page. Little Witcher has had a rough couple of days and nights which means we've had a rough time too. 

I give you all my word I will get this page coloured and finished as soon as humanly possible!




Good luck with the Little Witcher asserting her ‘authori-taye ’ over your household. No complaints from this corner, I’m too busy imagining what’s going through Alynnya’s mind in panel 5.


It's always an honor to meet the Captain.


Thank you :) El Dubya is just having some trouble sleeping even though she seems very happy wrapped up like a little burrito :)


She’s certainly a looker :) Before I forget, if you get a chance can you swing by the Devil’s Due? The crew have been missing ya and asking how you’re doing :)