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I've mentioned how great our community on Discord (a chat service like Skype. But not crap.) is - a group of people from around the world chatting movies, TV and games but also helping each other with creative projects (shout out to the #writers-lounge run by Wyland.) It's really not what you'd imagine it would be - no seedy chat about doing lewd things to characters, just a group of people relaxing and chatting. Being friends.

ANYway - over the weekend, we were discussing artistic styles and animation (I don't know if its common knowledge, but I have a university degree in Animation.) Inevitably, the incredible Bruce Timm came up - lead character designer and animator for Batman: The Animated Series - which lead to two things - this picture (after FantasyPencil mentioned he'd love to see Alynnya in that style) and a new interim milestone for a little animation of Aly being the kinky, blushing and lip-chewing gal when know and root for.





Makes we curious if we could get Aly and some of the Batman girls in this style at some point. As a huge fan I love this style.


A Bruce Timm-style lip bite on Aly is still sexy as hell!