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It's the end of an issue which means it's time for y'all to endure me going on and on about how amazing you lot are! I know I've done that even more that usual this week (Ranger Squad - looking squarely at you and your incredible generosity on Saturday night!) but seriously, back in the summer of 2015 when I started this, I never would have hoped to be here now or thought we'd be ~180 pages and 8 full issues into this madness!

Issue 09 starts next Wednesday and you've got until the 30th to vote on Aly's pirate "friend" - https://www.patreon.com/posts/adventures-of-09-22019711





This may well be the most gorgeously badass issue conclusion you've ever done, Pliss! Utterly awe-inspiring, as always!


Gotta say, I feel kinda bad for Blap. Kinda.