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Deep in the stacks (non-cropped version including a short scene written by Ranger Lt. Katie) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/20818697
Extra naughty version - https://www.patreon.com/posts/20818654

We're extremely fortunate to have so many fantastic authors in our little community (shout out to #the-writers-lounge Discord channel run by Wyland.) Thinking about all those creative and support Rangers I had the idea to point out some of authors I personally enjoy - and that our heroine would get a kick out of reading.

  • Aidenke - I've read Aidenke's work for a number of years and it's fantastic to see the popularity of his characters, Jo-Beth in particular. I think the original inspiration came from a character from the Timesplitters games way back in the PS2 era. He's taken a brief break from writing of late but has a great collection of previously completed works.. You can check out Aidenke's gallery here - http://aidenke.deviantart.com/
  • ThePhoenixKing- What really stands out to me about (our very own) PK's work is his use of characters from the Harry Potter universe which I personally have zero interest in. No disrespect intended to HP fans, I just prefer "Lovecraft" to follow those letters lol. I think it takes a special writer to draw in non-fans and tell engaging stories that appeal outside the fan base. Check out his gallery and his newer work, The Grey Path, here: http://thephoenixking.deviantart.com
  • SubKatie- and finally, the source of inspiration for the pic above and this little experiment in general, Ranger Lt. Katie. What can I say without coming across as a total fanboy? Katie, Agent of S.P.A.N.K, our fellow Ranger's flagship tale, captures (pun intended) the exact tone I aim for in Adventures of Alynnya Slatefire. It's light-hearted, often funny and a pleasure to read. Larger-than-life characters shine in these stories and every instalment gets better and better. Treat yourself to a journey to her page here: http://subkatie.deviantart.com/

I've not mentioned Wyland, We're All Mad Here and Magnussen here solely for the reason that I've gone on about them at great length and many times already lol

Let me know what you think of this little experiment in the comments section below.

Happy reading, Rangers!

PS - If you'd like to be considered for future Aly's Author Spotlight, please leave a link to your gallery in the comments section below!




Awwww...thank you so much! I’m blushing...

The Phoenix King

Thanks so much for the shout-out, my friend, it's really appreciated!