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TL; DR - Download the story PDF attached to this post. It's written by Rangers and it's fantastic.

It's an amazing privilege to get to share this with y'alls today. What started off as me challenging the Discord Rangers to come up with a request for the Ranger Appreciation stream. I hinted at the Writer's Lounge (a channel on our Discord run by Wyland) maybe getting together to write a little something to go with the pic. Jump ahead a couple of weeks and Ranger Lt Katie and Wyland have written this 23 page masterpiece! The story PDF (also put together by Lt Katie - double thank you!) is attached to this post.

Y'alls know me well enough by now that I'm very proud of the welcoming and friendly group we have on Discord and the epic effort put in by Katie can't pass unrewarded so getting to the point, on the 28th (29th for Aussie Rangers) we're gonna do another Ranger Appreciation stream and draw some pics from the story to make an "Ultimate Ranger Edition" of the story. 

Leave your requests for the scenes you'd like to see a picture for from this story in the comments below!


PS - if you have the time, please consider leaving a thank you message for Katie and Wyland in the comments section as well.




Interesting. I will read it !


Great job Wyland and Katie! This is fantastic stuff!