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Black and white or colour, our heroine never has a good Monday :)

TL;DR version: Leave your request for next week's AHMT pic in the comments, on our Discord (in the #ideas channel) our privately via a Patreon message.


So, as you can probably tell and based on the results of the week's poll, we're gonna take a little break from Furious Angels. The idea was that everybody would send in ideas on what they'd like to see next, but it didn't really work (and nobody really read it outside you wonderful lot) so we're gonna go back to the original format of request pics. Got a damsel in distress / PG-13 idea you'd like to see me draw? Leave 'em in the comments, on the #ideas Discord channel or send it over via a Patreon message. 

Just like the original format, I'll pick something sexy / fun / funny and draw it each week. But now in glorious colour. Aaaand it doesn't just have to be Alynnya / Claire and Leena. The only restrictions are 1, no "children's media" characters and 2, no OCs (own creations) because it's just too niche and these pics aren't free commissions.

So, what are "blue shamblers"? Well, allow me to quote our resident Lore Master and Ranger Champion, We're All Mad Here.

"Faceless humanoids covered in a blue fungus.  It’s rumored that the humanoids were once people who were afflicted by some sort of malign fungi crafted by some mad mage.  The touch of a blue shambler acts as an aphrodisiac on a par with Viper Vine pollen. Blue shamblers themselves seem interested only in sex with whatever touches them and responds to that touch.  They are otherwise mindless.  If they were once humanoids, their condition does not appear to be contagious.  The danger presented by a blue shambler is death by exhaustion." 

Aaanyway, I can't wait to read what y'alls come up with and, most importantly, enjoy!
