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"Oops." indeed, Aly... :D

We got a cheeky bit of story on this page amongst Aly's g-spot orgamsic fun. I'm absolutely loving this experimental format of having y'alls vote on what happens next. Speaking of which, here's the linkage for the poll: https://www.patreon.com/posts/14013809 (seamless transition to poll link!)





"Where was I? Oh, yes, I was going to kill you all for incompetence. Thanks for reminding me." Awesome page, man! Love the shit-hole comment. Guess all the villains really want is a nice pad. And world domination. But start with the pad.


It's a super crappy castle, but looks quite defensible. Or maybe there's another reason Bynvius is there... PLOT! Or is it? But is it? lol :)


"Oops." Her expression is the purest form of win. Interesting line with the bad guys: "giving the dark mage his powers back". If my brain could process more info after seeing a sexy Aly do her thing, I bet I could draw conclusions there.


CONCLUSIONS! No, wait... that's not we normally shout at each other in the comments, is it?