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Hey hey dear Patreon fans, how's it going? Well, this week I've been tied up with judo, shoulder, injuries, etc., some jobs here and there, so another complicated week... but what to expect from this Saturday-Sunday's update. Well, the idea is as follows... to do other tasks in the backyard oriented towards the laboratory and to vary these tasks... similar to those you may have found on the basketball court... Initially, I wanted to do something like a raid... That said, I'll probably have to add the variables that I didn't add in the previous patch... I did this so you wouldn't always have to be replaying... etc... meaning, in this patch, THE PREVIOUS SAVES WILL NOT WORK. Just giving you a heads-up. With that said... and I'll be dropping hints... in the previous patch... there's a variable already used... which is intoxication... it has no limits... just a warning... if you continue... succumbing or smoking something... maybe in the future, you'll find yourself with a bad ending... a game over... a bad ending however you want to call it but I say IN THE FUTURE... not now. Sorry for digressing, back to the main point. The new variables I'm most likely to add will probably be related to the guards and I'm seriously warning the following... these variables... are oriented... if you reach X with the guards... you'll be sent to another section... and this would enable... a dungeon... that I have in mind... but warning... to sailors... I can't make this dungeon in 1 week obviously because I have to 1... create several scenarios 2... create events with time slots and 3... make an ending oriented to that dungeon and what you've done, that would be one way... the other is to do point 1 and 2.. and automatically at x time send you back but... I could do this in 1 week and it would be very basic.. and I would have to spend the following weeks if it's voted to make that place... or... I take 2 weeks, leave the dungeon done... and great... also I tell you something.. this week the backyard patch comes out with its 8 scenes.. but the week of the vote... I would be working on this dungeon.. and the next revealing the voting results could vary those scenes but well this is what I have in mind... and returning to this week's patch as you already know 4 m/m sub and 4 sissy hehe but oriented towards the laboratory... and that's all I think I haven't forgotten anything... hehe thank you for your support and I hope you like the idea, ps: suggestions, comments, messages whatever you want are accepted.




In a couple of hours, the update will be available. It took me a bit longer because I encountered some issues with the GIF-making program. Additionally, I've fixed a total of 3-4 errors, created 7 portraits, and these portraits will be related to more characters, which means more story. Furthermore, I've added 5 new variables, all related to these characters. But, I won't expand on this too much. In a couple of hours, I'll post the complete changelog and the update. Sorry for the delay.


test and upload in progress..