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Hello, how's it going? Dear Patreons and followers, hehe, well, I'll go through points this week. I started looking into writing CSS code for the new game, but without rushing it, taking my time. Truth be told, I've also been playing other games from other developers to see how they're designed, how tabs are programmed, etc. You know, observing, playing, that's how you learn, hehe. It's not like there will be a huge visual change... because I want to gradually change the design, but somewhat faithful to the beginnings because I believe it sets the identity, so to speak. That being said, as I'm, as usual, digressing, hehe, I'll take it slow because I'm still thinking about the variables, how to proceed... mostly, I'll drop another hint... "I don't know what damn comic... or... someone who has an empire... gets imprisoned and has to get out of jail... to get revenge on some kind... of heroine who also helps him with devices... and stuff... what the hell is that?" Um, I got carried away, okay... that was the last thing. BACK TO THE MAIN GAME-> PRISON: As you've observed if you've played the new update, we finally have Tyron... and it seems like he only asks you for components, etc... I know it might be a nuisance for old saved games and such... but getting back to the point... he has mentioned 3 locations: 0!!! His cell... the basketball court... and the backyard. 

What does this mean... obviously, there will be more public content... with these guys... more favors... in those areas, which gives us... at least 2 more weeks of content, but... I also have to say something... when they mention "components"... don't you think this leads to some infiltration mission in some lab... (evil grin) don't you think this leads to another character? 

Well, I think you get the idea... and I'm sorry again for digressing, this is with Tyron... but now I'll talk about global thoughts and what lies ahead... If you notice, in the introduction it always says "DAY 1"... it would be nice... if every time you rested it displayed the day... what it is... and had a counter... so that... to trigger random global events... every X days... whenever I want... this would add more surprises to the game... I don't know when I'll do this... I suppose I'll make a note of it... in the control patch section (there will be some weeks where I'll only focus on fixing all the broken English, correcting image errors, etc., adding more variables) that or I'll introduce it when I can, which is more likely since it gives me... a lot of freedom to bring oriented content... for example if it were day 5 (Friday) and your reputation and fame were less than... and some relationship with x character was such... then a hidden event... and the same would happen with all the others... so it would give us a lot of life to say... wow and the same goes for the alpha route... and now that I mention it... I'll try to do the following -> 1 week... the new game... in free moments the other... add content if I can to that route... just in case.

 But now back to the important stuff, this Saturday-Sunday, it's most likely that I'll release patch 0.39A which will consist of 4 scenes on the basketball court or in the backyard, most likely on the basketball court... to add more exhibition and public scenes... obviously, they'll have their 4 cross/sissy public variables... making it 8 scenes...

 I hope you're okay with that... so we always fulfill what's most voted for... I know many of you might miss following the chef's route, Ismael the nerd, etc... because I'm making these scenes... so "global" and general... that earn us money or components for x characters... because indirectly for those characters we're developing part of the plot... that I'm not directly adding much... and at the same time... the character also earns money... which we had the money flow a bit... broken... I know others will say... and the energy one... isn't used much... and I'll say... when you train... yes... (if it's explicitly done for the DOM branch) I don't know... working on your back in bed doesn't consume much energy, does it? :p, Sasha, shut up... oops, getting back... so for this week we have... -> Patch on the basketball court most likely with those sexual scenes in some future... I'll have to make another patch of activities for each area... more oriented (I did it a long time ago but it's for different stats that are useful or possible events) getting back -> Scenes in the basketball area, maybe I'll add the day counter (I might risk it.) And I'm announcing it now... patch 0.39B... that is... the one for next week... will be in the backyard... and possibly have another infiltration mission... ... and I think I'm not forgetting anything else... although I'm leaving with the feeling of not having told everything... haha




Tomorrow/Today, Sunday, you can expect the 0.39A update. Honestly, this week I've been a bit... rushed. The idea is what I mentioned, 8 scenes in the basketball area in late afternoon, 4 cross/sissy, 4 m/m sub. I'll also say... as I've mentioned in previous posts... now I make patches thinking ahead... like the change I've made with Tyron, if you've read his description... it gives me another area of the prison... that's why I haven't talked much here today... I was writing and that... don't worry, I suppose I'll have time for the patch, hehe.


Hello, I'm still alive. The patch will be released in 4 hours. So far, I've completed -> 4 m/m sub scenes +2 portraits +20 gifs made by me. In the femininity version, another new secondary character will be introduced... primarily